Biz Fest Week
It's back!!!
Who is this again? Law-ran of course! (You know, the French guy who looks like a Finn!) Actually he got sick again after our school "Soirée Champagne" on February 6...
What's up doc?
"This is the end my friend[s]..."
(The Plague, in Hackers -the movie!)
Some of you might have noticed that I haven't kept up so well with the announced deadline -and some might have noticed nothing as well by the time they read this (is this still the 20th century? ;-))... Anyway, as the quote says, this site probably comes to its end. Of course, there are still the technical improvements I've been harping on for a while that need to be actually enacted. Don't panic, I will do it (when I get a job...). Let me just announce one more big event to you, the one you've all been craving for!
Bloomington, the video!
According to informal sources, a few secret gatherings with external consultants are likely to take place in the foreseeable future to enable BQT films to optimize the screenplay and work on both the editing and the sound mixing scheme. Rumors say Bruce Willis has been trying to get a part in the production since he found out a couple of Finnish and French guest stars might well contribute to the project. No names have been disclosed for now. BQT films announced however during a press conference that the company might well resort to a few experimental visual and sound effects. As a result, the movie is unlikely to be released in European theatres before the summer.
To be continued...
The punchline
I found a most interesting and insightful article extracted from The Advising Quarterly, a US periodical for professionals in international education. Some of you might have done nothing but sleep or simply found it hard/weird to readapt to their former lives since they're back home. This article emphasizes the symptoms of a very common phenomenon: reverse culture shock following the process of reentry. Sounds a bit pompous but it's 1. not! 2. really worth the reading! To check it out, click here !
Well, that's all folks! You know what? I might well... venture into another website dedicated this time to my post-Bloomington life! (I know what you think: "That girl is a web psycho!) Until then, however, keep checking out from time to time my tripod site and don't forget to post a "hello" -or even a "hell with you" ;-)- at smilezone. Oh by the way, as far as my geocities site is concerned, I'll keep it updated every month or so.
So long!...
"In my end is my beginning" (T.S. Eliot)
© BQT - February 1998